Lymph Nodes Diagrams

Looking for specific lymph nodes diagrams to study more about the locations of the nodes in our body? We have a handful collection of  lymph nodes diagrams in best quality! In these lymph nodes diagrams, the locations of lymph nodes are explained in pictures. We’ll start by giving you the first anatomy of the lymph nodes diagram below.

lymph nodes diagram anatomy
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Based on the lymph nodes diagram above, you can see that lymph nodes are small rounded or bean-shaped masses of lymphatic tissue surrounded by a capsule of connective tissue. Lymph nodes are located in many places in the lymphatic system throughout the body. Lymph nodes filter the lymphatic fluid and store special cells that can trap cancer cells or bacteria that are traveling through the body in the lymph fluid. The lymph nodes are critical for the body’s immune response and are principal sites where many immune reactions are initiated. Now let’s see where in our body those lymph nodes are located. Click on the lymph nodes diagrams below for highly detailed pictures of where the lymph nodes are located.

lymph nodes diagram human
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lymph nodes diagram body
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lymph nodes diagram head
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Lymph nodes are body organs (not glands) spread throughout your body. Their function is to filter out all the dead bacteria, viruses, and other dead tissue from the lymphatic fluid and eliminate it from the body. They are also the place where the white blood cells (lymphocytes) spend much of their time. When the immune system is activated they begin producing large numbers of lymphocytes which causes them to swell. There are about 500-700 lymph nodes spread throughout the body.

lymph nodes diagram arm
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lymph nodes diagram leg
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lymph nodes diagram organ
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Most normal lymph nodes are about 1cm in size (0.5 to 2.0cm) but that size varies depending on the location of the node, and what activity is going on. Infections, cancer and many other conditions can cause it to expand as the immune system reacts to the problem. Learn more about medical anatomy of lymph nodes using these diagrams. You can also find the other kinds of diagrams in this site. Don’t forget to share this site to your social media!